It’s called white pearl due to its nice texture, smooth surface, resistant to acid and alkali, hardness, high iron content, no radioactivity and the well-distributed color in pale gray.
The Shandong white pearl granite belongs to lamellae structure granite stone and has the classic capillary phenomenon, so stains will appear when polluted, and they are hard to disappear.
Besides, the stone material contains iron content and the humid environment will cause it to rust.
Granite Texture Faux-stone coating can showcase the texture of Shandong white pearl stone without the rust factor of the natural ingredient. The customer likes the coating because its non toxic, Eco friendly for the building and can get more protection.
The Eco-friendly material can showcase its beauty while being harmless to nature for the earth lovers.
The white granite stone is elegant like snow, and it highlights the design for its simplicity, modern, Japanese and luxurious style.
Use the Shandong white pearl stone granite coating to build a holiday rural villa