The newly built cement wall, even if the surface is dry while you touch it, is because the water is likely to continue to be discharged in the wall. This situation is called "spitting water". The time of spitting water according to the thickness of the wall is from 3 to 4 weeks. More than 3 months are possible.
The surface is painted, and the ADD STONE faux stone coating needs to wait until the wall surface is not spouted, and the wall is dry before the construction; if the wall is still spitting water, the surface coating is forcibly applied because the wall is still spitting water and even alkalized. The phenomenon causes discoloration and deterioration of the stone coating.
After the cement wall is poured, it is necessary to record the case. It is indeed waiting for the wall to dry. It can be used to test whether the wall is dry enough to carry out the spraying operation.
Pick a wall and use the whole soil to make up the whole surface (through-batch), wait for the dry soil to be thick and observe the soil for cracking every other day. If there is no crack, you can spray the paint; if there is crack in the soil, it means the water in the wall. Still reacting, please wait for few days till the wall spits out.